The Ultimate Solution for Rubber, Poly, Paint, and Powder Coating Removal We’ve Got You Covered!
Why Reclaim?
Increase Profits!
Most of the reasons we recycle were previously environmental. Today, many are saving money, bringing economics into the picture.

Blowout Preventers
Recycle annulars, stripper rubbers, and blowout preventer molded products to save!

Pipe Cleaning
Get additional life from oil and gas field materials as they wear down.

MCS recently introduced the industry’s first turnkey reclaiming process

Getting More Out of Manufacturing
Commercial paint stripping, rust removal for all types of industries. We work in coating removal and paint stripping of a wide variety of products and materials.
Please contact us to discuss how we can assist you with your part reclamation needs or to run a free trial of parts to see firsthand the work we do.
Metal Cleaning Systems continues to expand its service area throughout the Continental U.S. as well as Canada and Mexico.
Oilfield Reclaiming Components
Metal insert and oilfield reclaiming to a new level.
Industrial Paint Removal
Automotive industry takes advantage of new methods to clean its paint line.
Paint and Powder Coating Removal
During the finishing process, excessive coatings and buildup occur on hooks, racks, and metal parts. Operations need a fast and efficient way to keep their paint and powder hooks and racks pristine to maintain product quality and profitability.
Typical Coating Removal Applications include:

Reclaim Scrap Landfills Will Not Accept
MCS provides an opportunity for those that have filled their yards with parts they simply cannot scrap. Most landfills and scrap yards require scrap that is free of chemicals, rubber, or other hazardous materials.
Metal Cleaning Systems is dedicated to finding new and better alternatives for removing bonded materials from metal. As our R&D Department develops new processes we work closely with our customers to see if it fits into their organizational needs as well.
Contact Us
Will our process work for you? Send us a sample of your product and we will gladly reclaim your product free of charge!